
About Me

Hey! My name is Christina Shoptaw, and I'm currently working to get a bachelors degree at Ball State University. I made this blog as a part of my digital literacies class, but the more used to it I get, the more I like it. Since it was made for a particular class, it hasn't been extremely personalized; though you will find a couple blogs dealing with my life or personality. In any case, to help you better get to know me, I thought I would fill you in on who I am.

Right now, I am double majoring in Secondary English Education and Communication Studies. I absolutely love reading and analyzing all types of literature. I find it really fun to converse about a piece of literature with multiple people to the point in which there it is proven that there are many theories and ideas or even that it seems as if one theory or idea is most true. At the same time, I love to write. When it comes to writing, I can become the most creative of people, and I find it very special to find that inner side of creativity inside of myself. I love to write poetry and short stories, and I even sometimes make time to write in my diary.

As far as the Communication Studies class goes, I am a big people watcher. I find it so interesting on how different people communicate with each other. I haven't gotten deep within the electives of communication yet, but of the classes I have taken on communication, Human Communication was the most interesting and brilliant of classes. I found out what really builds, breaks, or stagnates a relationship. Also, I found out how there are many ways in which people of different genders and cultures communicate with each other. I found that I was very passionate about what I learned, so that class was the reason for which I decided to double major in Comm Studies.

To give a little more about myself at a personal level, the two hobbies of mine that I could not live without are volleyball and horseback riding. You can really get a feel for my love of riding in my blog post, Riding? Yes, Please! Though I might get old in the future, and it may become much more difficult for me to still do these two hobbies, I believe I will still continue to do them to the best of my ability. Both give me a decently good workout while relieving pent up stress, and basically just making me really happy. I feel that they are a definite part of who I am, and why I am the way I am.

Now that you have a better understanding of my personality, hopefully you will have a better understanding for how my blogs reflect myself, or how I tone my blogs. For a couple more tid bits of information about myself, you could always look at my former blog, A Little Bit Of Insight. If there would still be any questions or concerns that you would like to talk to me about, just feel free to email me at!