
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Again Again!

So I had a wonderful last couple of weekends. Halloween is such a fun holiday, but only because I love dressing up. One of these days I'll find the evidence to show you, then put them on here, but growing up I always had to put together my costumes...I never bought them. So when I came to college and realized I needed a good looking costume, I decided to make step into the unknown, and get a costume. Sadly I realized I LOVED getting a new costume, and dressing up. I always used to pretend that I was someone or looked like something when I was younger through my imagination. Then when last year, I went and bought an Aphrodite costume and became a Greek goddess, I fell in love with dressing up.

The saddest thing is that I never get invited to dress up parties, so I have to wait once a year to get to become someone else. This last year, it wasn't as creative or cool, but I still got to have fun being an airport strip search officer since I was matching my boyfriend. Even if you don't have a fun time dressing up, it's still a blast (at least to me) to go out and see other people's costumes! Some people are so creative! Yes, some people are extraordinarily slutty, but hey there are always really cool ones that overlook those.

I then went out last night to a hang out with some friends in costumes, and we all dressed up, so I improvised with some clothing I already had.....cowgirl!! (yes this is when you can say, "of course") I still had fun with my friends, and got to see all of their costumes. At least on Halloween, it never gets old.

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